When hearing the phrase “Consent Education,” you might think this topic refers to sexuality.
Yet CONSENT is so much more!
Consent Education is about teaching our young people about boundaries and choices.
That even at a young age, children can start listening to their “gut,” their instincts.
This includes whether a young person wants to share a toy with a friend or hug a relative.
And that consent allows people to note they have a choice for many decisions in life.
Following one’s Gut/Instinct
We often teach young people what to do and how to think. Yet Consent Education allows people to note their feelings, think about their own needs/wants, and then make the best decisions to help them feel safe, happy, and healthy.
And, if we teach our young people from an early age that they have the right to say “no” to everyday life decisions, they will feel more comfortable to say “no” when they want to for more serious decisions as they age.
Go with your gut. And on your way down to your gut, check in with your heart. Between those two things, they’ll let you know what’s what.“
Ted Lasso from the Ted Lasso show on Netflix
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Erin’s Law
Part of Concent Education includes Erin’s Law.
Erin’s Law notes that most people are safe.
Yet, due to a small percentage of people who are not safe, Erin’s law exists to ensure schools throughout the country teach children and youth the differences between safe and unsafe touches and how to identify and speak with trusted adults.
What is Erin’s Law?
Erin’s law requires public schools to ensure children and youth are taught about prevention-oriented child sexual abuse. Prevention-oriented child sexual abuse includes teaching about safe and unsafe touches and how to identify and talk with a trusted adult. The brave originator of the law, Erin Merryn, experienced sexual abuse as a child and wants to ensure all children are safe. To do this, she has lobbied for this law to be passed, which it has in 37 states throughout the country. More information about this law can be found at Erin’s Law.
Why is Lori a person you should talk with regarding how to teach children about safe and unsafe touch (Erin’s law)?
- Lori recently updated Chicago Public School’s Sexual Health Education Curriculum to ensure Erin’s law is taught within all grade level units (PreK-12). The Chicago Public School district is the third largest district in the United States in which Lori sleeps better at night knowing so many children are being taught age- and developmentally-appropriate lessons on safety. The Scope and Sequence for this project can be found here.
- Lori has experience educating young children about safe and unsafe touches and how to talk with a trusted adult when something inappropriate happens. This includes teaching PreK to 6th grade children.
- Lori has also taught about safety, as well as numerous other sensitive health education topics, to students of all ages (PreK-12 grades and in undergraduate and graduate courses).
- Lori shares her skill-set by training future elementary and health education teachers within educational licensure programs at the university setting.
What are some tools to teach about safe and unsafe touches (Erin’s Law)?
Many tools exist. Some are:

Click here to learn how Lori can strengthen your health education program!

The above books and video clip are a small sampling that Lori has personally used within classroom instruction. Many other resources also exist. Some items have supplemental materials that can be downloaded or purchased for classroom and home use.
To contact Lori about how safety topics can best be taught to children and youth in your school or community, click here: Contact Lori.